PM WallPlanner Generation

Asset Template/Validation File Creation

1. Create asset validation (template) files from asset hierarchy and maintenance records such as historical orders, invoices etc) or
2. Create asset validation (template) files from asset hierarchy and asset surveys

Asset Template Cleansing (Read Asset Validation File)

1. Check for asset hierarchy compliance
2. Auto-correct asset hierarchy non-compliance where possible (software-driven)
3. Manually correct all other non-compliances

Asset Grouping/Splitting Policy Definition (e.g. grouping assets by system or location)

1. Define asset splitting/grouping policies
2. Read Asset Grouping/Splitting Policies
3. Identify maintainable assets based on the asset hierarchy
4. Use these Policies to split or group the maintainable assets

Asset Numbering Policy

1. Define asset numbering policy e.g. 079801FR0001.
2. Assign asset numbers to single, groups or system assets using policy

Location Numbering Policy

1. Define location numbering policy (either use client data or user specified)e.g. 6581-1-B
2. Apply location numbers to asset records by replacing temporary location in asset files

Generation of Location/Asset Records

1. Generate Location Template from Asset Validation/Template files
2. Generate Asset Template from Asset Validation/Template files

Job Plan Development

1. Develop new Job Plans with operations personnel
2. Develop Job Plans from existing job plans

Maintenance Due Dates Generation

1. Create asset due date files (based on major maintenance dates) vfrom maintenance records(docs, pdfs, xls etc)
2. Create asset due date files (based on major maintenance dates) from legacy database

PM Records Generation

1. Determine PM type required i.e. asset or location based
2. If pm-type is location-based, then generate location/asset subtype matrix. This will act as the asset listing
3. Generate ready PM numbers if pm-type is location-based (i.e. no existing asset listing)
4. Generate relationship between assets, location priority (e.g. high/low) and job plans [subtype job plan]
5. Generate PM dates & counters using Go-Live date as reference as well as the major maintenance dates from the due date files
6. Generate PM records in a master document from Asset Hierarchy,Job Plans, Location/Asset subtype matrix, subtype job plan, Asset template

PM Records Publishing

1. Publish PMs to a loading document (e.g. IBM template)
2. Publish PMs to a database

WallPlanner Generation

1. Load PM master document into WallPlanner generator
2. Select WallPlanner display options (e.g work type, areas, locations, system/asset/asset sub types, work done by contractor/in-house etc)
3. Generate WallPlanner (displaying man hours, PM dates etc)
4. Client’s Asset information file from master document
5. Generate Client’s PM information file from master document